How to Use the Excel Web Access Web Part in SharePoint 2013

The Excel Web Access Web Part makes it easier than ever to access spreadsheets and collaborate with team members and colleagues even if you do not have Excel installed on your computer. With this feature, you are able to open Excel directly into a Web browser, as well as add spreadsheets to your SharePoint 2013 site.

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the Excel Web Access Web Part in SharePoint 2013 and show you how to use some of its key features.

Add the Excel Web Access Web Part to your SharePoint Site

To begin, log into your SharePoint 2013 Site and click Edit.

On the Edit page, select the Insert Web Part tab from the Ribbon. From the Categories menu, select Business Data.  From the Parts menu, select Excel Web Access and click the Add button.

Once the Web Part has successfully finished installing, you’ll be able to start taking advantage of Excel Web Access.

Add a file to SharePoint Using the Excel Web Access Web Part

To open the Tool Pane, you will need to either click on the Click here to open the tool pane hyperlink or select Edit Web Part from the Excel Web Access Web Part Menu.

In the Tool Pane, there are two different Workbook Display options available for viewing a spreadsheet: Workbook and Named Item.

  • Workbook Display: In this display, you are able to view a workbook in its entirety. This is useful if you have an Excel file that has multiple spreadsheets in it. To open an Excel file in Workbook Display, click the button under Workbook. A directory of the available files to choose from will appear. Select the workbook which you wish to access and click Insert. In this example, I have selected the following Excel file: Usage.xlsx.
  • Named Item Display: In this display, you are able to view named items in a workbook. This is useful if you have a large Excel file but you only want to view one or more specific items in the spreadsheet such as a chart, PivotTable, range of cells, etc. To open a named item, you will first need to insert the workbook per above. From the open Workbook, find the name of the item which you would like to view. In the Named Item textbook, enter the name of the item and click OK. In this example, I have selected the item Bamboo Chart 1 from the Excel file Usage.xlsx.

Note that when you view a spreadsheet in Named Item display, the Web Part will display a drop-down that indicates what item in the spreadsheet you are currently viewing.

Navigate the Excel Web Access Web Part Tool Pane

The Tool Pane offers a wide range of different settings options for the Toolbars and Title Bar and Navigation and Interactivity.  These options include:

For the Excel Web Access Web Part toolbar, you have the ability to show and/or hide properties set forth in the Tool Pane. For example, if I would like to hide the OPEN IN EXCEL properties, in the Tool Pane, I can uncheck the box marked: Open in Excel, Download, Download a SnapShot.

Once you have selected the options that best suit your needs, click Apply and OK.

Questions? Contact us or check out our online documentation!