How to Use the Calendars Overlay in SharePoint 2013 Calendar Lists

First introduced in SharePoint 2010, the Calendars Overlay feature is a function of the Calendar List which allows users to view the data of several different lists, such as task lists and Microsoft Exchange calendars, all in one easy-to-read, color-coded Calendar List.  In this article, we’ll walk through the steps needed to display data from different lists and /or tasks in one calendar view of a Calendar List in SharePoint 2013.

Add Calendars Overlay:

  • In Calendar List, go to the Calendar tab and click Calendars Overlay to open the Settings for Calendar Overlay:

  • In Calendar Overlay Settings, click New Calendar to add a new Calendar:

  • To setup your new calendar, begin selecting a name for the Task List or other Calendar List for the new calendar. Next, you will need to input some information about your new calendar. This includes the color which you would like assigned to the item in calendar view; the Web URL for your list, and the list type.

  • Follow the above steps to create multiple calendars for your Calendar Overlay. Please note that SharePoint allows a maximum of 10 calendars per view in Calendar Overlay.

    Show data from many Lists in a Calendar View of a Calendar List:

    • After you have added all your calendars into the Calendar Overlay, you can view all of the data from the calendar overlay in a single calendar view:

    re: How to Use the Calendars Overlay in SharePoint 2013 Calendar Lists
    on Tue, Jul 16 2013 11:54 PM


    When i select “Cal Overlay 1” it does not show other overlays