How to Use Bamboo’s In/Out Schedule Board in SharePoint 2013: Part 2 of 2 – Contact List Mode

Following on from part one’s how to use User Info Mode, we now turn to part two of our In/Out Schedule Board mini-series with…How to use Contact List Mode

Bamboo’s In/Out Schedule Board is an easy-to-use, all-in-one digital whiteboard designed to centralize scheduling and contact information for teams and groups.

Powered by three different Web Parts and tied together by a custom site template, the system allows you to quickly group, sort, and scan the current status of your team members via a color-coded Schedule Board, or review schedule conflicts and future engagements in a Gantt-style calendar. Even better, current and future status information is easily updated from any of the components, including the My Status Web Part, which can be added to any page and used to view and add to the Schedule Board site’s data.

In/Out Schedule Board is easy to install and configure and can use Contacts from a custom List, or the SharePoint User Info List.

Installing In/Out Schedule Board:

Make sure that the bundle including SA06-In/Out Schedule Board Web Part and HW55-Navigator Web Part was installed on your server:

Go to the site collection feature to activate/deactivate features as needed:
Accessing In/Out Schedule Board:

Go to Site Contents –> New Subsite –> Select a template from the Custom tab

After you have created a new site template, you will see the Web Part with three tabs: Home, Calendar, and My Status:

Please note that all users from your Contact List will have access to this Web Part:

Once you go to Site Contents, you will see that the Bamboo In/Out Calendar List has been automatically created:

From here, you are now able to create a new item or change the status of each user.

Bamboo’s In/Out Schedule Board is now available for SharePoint 2013 and can also be purchased for SharePoint 2007 and SharePoint 2010. As always, we invite you to take advantage of a free 30-day trial download to evaluate the product within your SharePoint environment.  Trial downloads are available for all three versions of SharePoint.