How to Upload a Large List using a Command in SharePoint 2010

If you have a large list, say 30,000 items, you will not be able to upload it to SharePoint. This blog post will show you how to resolve the issue using a command.

Go to Site Setting to upload a large list. In this example, I will upload a list that contains 30,000 items. Click OK.

The following error message will be displayed: “The request exceeded the 50 megate size limit defined by the server administrator.”

Open a Command Prompt and run as Administrator on each SharePoint server.

Enter the following command: %windir%system32inetsrvappcmd set config -section:requestFiltering -requestLimits.maxAllowedContentLength:209715200.

You will receive a confirmation message after applying the command.

Return to the Site Setting to upload the list again.

You have successfully uploaded the list.

Questions about how to upload a large list with a command? Contact us!