How to Upgrade the WSP File to Solution Management in SharePoint 2016 using PowerShell

In this article, I’ll show you how to upgrade the latest WSP file to an existing file on Farm Solution in a few simple clicks. You can save the WSP file in any folder. Open SharePoint PowerShell and run it as administrator; then run the following script: Install-SPSolution -Identity -WebApplication -GACDeployment  For example: Update-SPSolution -Identity Bamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp -LiteralPath “C:UsersspinstallerDesktopHW20.R4.7.SP2016.SLBamboo.CalendarPlus.wspcabBamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp” -GACDeployment  Give it a moment, then go to Central Admin->System Settings->Manage Form Solutions. We can see the Bamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp file upgraded on it. Questions? Contact us!