How to Update Content Types in Discussion Board Plus Using Windows PowerShell

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps needed to update the content types for new columns in the new Discussion Board Plus lists.

To begin, copy the following file to your server: UpdateContentType.ps1

Next, go to Start-> All Programs. Expand the folder Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products to reveal the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell program.

Select SharePoint 2013 Management Shell with the Run as administrator option.

Go to the location on your server where you saved UpdateContentType.ps1

Run the following command line: ./UpdateContentType.ps1 <URL>

Please note that <URL> is the site path for your Discussion Board Plus list.

For example ./UpdateContentType.ps1 http://chauo15sql

After the site column has finished loading, you will be notified with a Done! message.

When you return to your new list, the new columns added from the Site Content Type will now be displayed.

Please note that the PowerShell script detailed above will only update existing lists on your site. If you create new lists after running the Windows PowerShell script, the newly created columns will not be fully updated. As a result, when you create new lists in the future that require the updated Content Type, you will need to re-run the PowerShell script for the updates to appear.

Dec 20 2013, 11:00 AM