How to Show Custom Navigation in SharePoint 2013

As you know, the User Interface in SharePoint 2013 is different from the User Interface in SharePoint 2010. So, if you just jump straight into a 2013 site, you may encounter many changes that will prove difficult to navigate. In this article, I will show you how to show custom navigation in SharePoint 2013, the advantage of which is for you to be able to work as though it were a 2010 site.

In SharePoint 2010, we know to create lists or sites clicking on the Quick Launch bar at the left of the page:

In SharePoint 2013, you won’t see that navigation on the left:

Also, there are more steps to create a list or site in SharePoint 2013.

Go to Site Contents, add an app, and select a list type:

Now, we will go through the steps to customize navigation.

  • Click on the EDIT LINKS hyperlink button in the Quick Launch bar.
  • Click on the link hyperlink button; you will see an Add a link dialog show up.
  • In Text to display, input the name what you want to show.
  • In Address, input the URL to which you want to navigate.
  • Click the OK button.


You will see the created hyperlink name on the Quick Launch bar.

Also, you can move their location. If you don’t want to show that link, you can delete it clicking the associated x button:

Click the Save button to complete.

Complete these steps with all common actions to configure them on the Quick Launch bar.

Now, you can click on the Lists link, and it will show all the list types:
