How to Send Files Directly to a SharePoint Document Library via the Windows Explorer ‘Send to’ Menu

I often wished I could copy files to my Temp folder using the Send to the menu from Windows Explorer. After discovering a little trick that would allow me to do so, I realized that there was a potential SharePoint application.  Before we get to the SharePoint application, though, I’d like to share the Temp folder solution.

First, type in the Run window:  %APPDATA%MicrosoftWindowsSendTo, then click the OK button.

This will open up the folder pictured below, and you need to add a shortcut to your Temp folder.

Return to your Send to menu, and you will see that you can now send files or folders directly to your Temp folder.

Once I discovered this, the next natural question was, “Could I use the same technique to move files to a SharePoint document library?”

Arranging to do so turned out to be even simpler. All you need to do is map a drive to the SharePoint document library you want to use as the destination, and the mapped folder will appear in the Send to menu.

Taking it to step by step, start by mapping a folder to the desired SharePoint document library.

Next, enter the URL of the desired document library.  For example, I chose http://myportal/<site_name>/Shared Documents/KB Article.

Once complete, a map drive icon will appear under the Computer icon.

Test it out by trying to upload a file to the SharePoint document library from Windows Explorer.

Now browse to the document library from Internet Explorer… voila, the file is in SharePoint!

I tested this feature on Windows 7, but I expected it would work the same way on Vista and Windows 2008. This is a simple trick, but I can see it saving time and aggravation, especially when piles of files are involved.
