How to Resolve a Correlation ID Error when Creating a New Custom Site Template in SharePoint 2013

If you see a Correlation ID error when creating a new site or custom site template, this means that your server does not have the feature associated with the Correlation ID shown on your page installed on it. In this article, we’ll show you how to install and activate the missing feature.

Creating a new site template:

To begin, upload your site template.  To do this, go to Site Settings and, under Web Designer Galleries, select Solutions:

Select your site template and click Activate:

Next, go to Site Content and create a new subsite:

Under Select a template, click on the Custom tab and select the site template that you added above. Click the Create button.

After you click Create, you will get the below message.

Fixing the Correlation ID error:

Step 1: Navigate to your farm and right-click on the Command Prompt.  Select Run as administrator.

Step 2: After you click on Run as administrator, a black window will appear.  In the window, enter the following path:

cd C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedYoub Server Extensions15BIN

Next, in the Command Prompt window, enter the command line below using the following syntax:

stsadm -o activatefeature -id <the guid> -url http://[name]


<the guid> is the Correlation ID that appeared on the error page.

http://[name] is the URL of the portal site which appeared in the error message.

After you have run the command line above, return to your portal site and recreate the custom site template.

If you still get an error message with a Correlation ID, copy only THAT Correlation ID and enter the command line (using the syntax above) into the Command Prompt window.

Repeat these steps until you have activated all the required features on your farm.

Step 3: When all of the desired features on your farm have been successfully activated, you will be able to create your custom site.

Questions about how to resolve a Correlation ID error when creating a new custom site template in SharePoint 2013? Contact us or check out our online documentation!