How to Migrate your SharePoint Discussion Boards to Bamboo Discussion Board Plus Using the Discussion Board Plus Migration Tool

Update: Discussion Board Plus is now available from the Bamboo Solutions storefront.

Interested in Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint, but want to make sure that you take full advantage of the features of your existing Discussion Boards?  We’ve got you covered.  In the beta build of Discussion Board Plus, we also provide an optional tool, the Discussion Board Plus Migration Tool, which allows you to easily migrate data from your existing out-of-the-box Discussion Board into Discussion Board Plus. Not only does the tool provide you the expected export and import options, but it also provides you the option to migrate any alerts associated with your existing discussion boards to the new Discussion Board Plus lists.


The Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint Migration Tool provides the following key features:

  • Allows users to export the content of the out-of-the-box Discussion Board list into a *.CPM file.
  • Allows users to import a list template file (*.CMP) to the site.
  • Allows users to migrate an existing Email Alert subscription from the out-of-the-box SharePoint Discussion Board List to Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint.
  • Creates a Logs folder to contain log files after import.
  • Creates a Data folder to contain the list template file (*.CMP) after export.
  • Deletes the Data folder after migrating.
  • Displays the information of the log file on the Migration Tool while exporting/importing.


The installation package of the Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint Migration Tool is already included in the Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint Migration Tool Setup package. (Please see the Installation and Configuration post for additional details.)  You will find the installation in the Optional Items section, then click the Discussion Board Plus Migration Tool, and then click the Install button.

NOTE: This tool is only supported for the SharePoint 2010 environment.


Installation steps:

  1. Click Next to begin the installation.
  2. Browse to the location folder. Select the Everyone radio button if you want to allow all users to be able to run this tool on your SharePoint server. After the checks have completed, click Next.
  3. Click Next to confirm the installation.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Close to complete the installation.


How Does It Work?

Currently, you have an out-of-the-box Discussion Board in your SharePoint site which includes the threads and posts which you would like to migrate to Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint. Using the Migration Tool, you can migrate your existing Discussion Board with threads, posts, and replies to Discussion Board Plus and take advantage of features such as lock, sticky, verify answer, suggest as an answer, etc.  (See the Introducing Discussion Board Plus post for more information.)  You can choose to export, then import, or perform both actions at the same time.

Follow the steps detailed in the Migration Options below to migrate your data.


Migration Permissions

Make sure that the current user account (the one running the Migration Tool) is added to the Site Collection Administrators group.


Migration Options

A. Export Only option

This option will help you to export your Discussion Board list and save to the *.CMP file. You can save this file to the import option later.

Open the Migration Tool. Fill out the information for each field:

Please select the function: Select Export Only

File Location: Enter the location where you wish to save the Data and Log files

Source Site URL: Enter the URL for the source site

Source Discussion Board: Enter the list name of the source Discussion Board


B. Import Only option

This option provides you the feature to import the exported file *.CMP to the SharePoint site where your destination is the Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint List.

Open the Migration Tool. Fill out the information for each field:

Please select the function: Select Import Only

File Location: Enter the location where the Data and Log files were saved

Source Site URL: Enter the URL for the source site

Source Discussion Board: Enter the list name of the source Discussion Board

Target Site URL: Enter the URL for the target site

Target Discussion Board: Enter the list name of the new Discussion Board Plus

Copy Alert: Check the checkbox if you would like to copy the alerts from the source list to your new list

Delete the data folder after migration: Check the checkbox if you would like to delete the Data folder after the migration is complete.

Click Run to begin the migration.


You must select the file location where the data (*.CMP) is to begin the import process.


The Target Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint list will be created automatically (if you haven’t already created it).

C. All Options:

This option is the combination of the Export and Import method running at the same time. The tool will run the Export first and, once complete, it will run the Import.

Open the Migration Tool. Fill out the information for each field:

Please select the function: Select All

File Location: Enter the location where the Data and Log files were saved

Source Site URL: Enter the URL for the source site

Source Discussion Board: Enter the list name of the source Discussion Board

Target Site URL: Enter the URL for the target site

Target Discussion Board: Enter the list name of the new Discussion Board Plus

Copy Alert: Check the checkbox if you would like to copy the alerts from the source list to your new list

Delete the data folder after migration: Check the checkbox if you would like to delete the Data folder after the migration is complete.

Click Run to begin the migration.


After the migration process is complete, navigate to your SharePoint site and… voila! All of your existing discussion threads and replies from the out-of-the-box Discussion Board list will have moved to Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint, and you’re ready to begin using its enhanced functionality. Enjoy!

If you would like to share feedback on the beta of the Discussion Board Plus Migration Tool (and Discussion Board Plus itself), please submit your questions or comments through our Discussion Board Plus for SharePoint forum.  We’re eager to hear what you think!

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