How to Migrate Bamboo’s Time Tracking and Management from SharePoint 2010 to 2013

How to Migrate Bamboo’s Time Tracking and Management from SharePoint 2010 to 2013

Have you recently upgraded to SharePoint 2013 and sought to migrate a Bamboo product from 2010 to 2013? In this article, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to perform a migration of Bamboo’s Time Tracking and Management (TTM) R1.6 from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 using the database backup and restore.  Please note that these instructions pertain to servers that have a single WFE. If your server is multiple WFEs, check out the article Perform an In-Place Upgrade of Time Tracking and Management R1.6 from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 in order to migrate TTM R1.6 from SP2010 to SP2013.

Server SP2010: pwss2010, SQL 2008 R2 Express

Server SP2013: vngo15sql2, SQL 2008 R2 Express

For this post, I will be using port 81 on pwss2010.  Here is a snapshot of what this looks like on the Time Tracking and Management site on SP2010:

Please note: In the TTM 1.6 SP2010 site, if you use the absolute path in the tool pane of the Timesheets Entry Web Part for the data source, you should change them to a relative path before backing up the content database.  If you do not do this, you will receive an error message in the tool pane after migration.

1.            To start, back up WSS_Content_81 of port 81 from SP2010 server (pwss2010):

WSS_Content_81 on C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLBackup

Please note: You should update the name of your database from WSS_Content_81 to WSS_Content_Port81.

2.            Next, restore the database to your SP2013 server (vngo15sql2)

Select your source and destination and check the Restore checkbox and Overwrite the existing database:

Click OK. You should next receive the following confirmation message once the database has been successfully restored:

3.            Create a new Web application on your SP2013 server (vngo15sql2):

  • Create a new Web application with port 81
  • After the new web app has been successfully created, go to the Central Administration > Application Management > Manage content databases and remove the current database of the created web app:

4.            Add the restored content database to the new Web app (port 81):

Run cmd as an Administrator and go to C: Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Server Extensions15BIN

Run the stsadm command line below:

stsadm -o addcontentdb -url http://vngo15sql2:81 -databasename WSS_Content_port81

The Cmd line will run until it hits 100% completed.

You can now verify that the upgrade was completed successfully by navigating back to Central Administration > Application Management > Manage content databases.  The page will now display the upgraded database under your designated Web application.

5.            Install Time Tracking and Management on Port 81

From here, you are able to build 2013 on the storefront to install in your server. Make sure when installing TTM you select Web application 81.

After the component has finished installing, click Next. Carefully review the summary log to make sure that the installation was successful. Once you have verified that everything has been installed correctly, click Close.

6.            Convert from classic mode to claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013

After these Web Parts have been successfully installed, you must run a command to convert the claim for port 81. Check out Microsoft’s article Migrate from classic-mode to claims-based authentication in SharePoint 2013 for more information.

To begin, select Run as administrator on the SharePoint 2013 Management Shell:

Run the following command line:

Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity “http:// vngo15sql2:81” -To Claims

7.            Upgrade your Site Collection (UI2013)

Go to http://vngo15sql2:81 > Site Settings > Site Collection Upgrade

8.            Upgrade Time Tracking and Management

After you have upgraded your site to SharePoint 2013, go to the Time Tracking and Management Control Panel and click the Upgrade button in the Manage application upgrades section:

Upon hitting Upgrade, Time Tracking and Management will be successfully migrated from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.

Please note: If you are using Alert Plus for alerts and reminders, please follow the steps in the article HOW TO: Migrate Alert Plus From SharePoint 2010 To SharePoint 2013 for PM Central and Time Tracking and Management to update Alert Plus and ensure that it is compatible with your newly migrated Time Tracking and Management.
