How to Migrate a Community Central Site from SharePoint 2010 to 2013

Did you recently migrate your SharePoint 2010 farm to SharePoint 2013 and had issues migrating Community Central over? Up until a little while ago, Community Central R1.1 was not yet released, which caused many users to have to migrate their whole web application from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 while continuing to use Community Central in SharePoint 2010 and working on another site collection, list, and library in SharePoint 2013. Now that the new release has been made available, users can seamlessly migrate their entire web application from one platform to the other.

But what if you already completed a migration of your entire web application, minus Community Central? Do you have to do a completely new total migration of ALL of your data? Luckily, the answer is no. In this article, we’ll show you how to migrate just Community Central from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 without losing data while still being able to work on your existing web application.

To complete the migration, simply follow these steps:

Step One: Create a new temporary web application on the SharePoint 2013 server. The temporary web application will act as a placeholder for the Community Central site on-site collection 1.

Step Two: Migrate the new web application on the SharePoint 2010 server to the new web application on the SharePoint 2013 server.

Step Three: After your migration has been completed, double-check the address for Community Central to verify that it is functioning as intended.

Step Four: Export the Community Central site to cmp file using PowerShell script.

For example: Export-SPWeb -Identity “http://chauo15sql:81/sites/site collection 1/community central” -Path c:windowstempCC.cmp

Go to C:WindowsTemp to see CC.cmp file

Step Five: Import the site to your web application using the PowerShell script above.

Import-SPWeb -Identity “http://chauo15sql/sites/site collection 1/community central” -Path c:windowstempCC.cmp

Step Six: To ensure that Community Central was successfully migrated to the new web application, enter the site address for the Community Central site into SharePoint 2013.

Step Seven: To keep the initial status, you can delete the temporary web application on your SharePoint 2013 server.