How to Migrate a Bamboo Workflow Conductor Database from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013

As you know, data migration is one of the best known and swiftest methods for both transferring data from one computer system to another, as well as upgrading to a new system. To save time and headaches, it is not necessary to recreate data, but rather, create a workflow to automate the process for you. In this article, we will show you how to migrate a Bamboo Workflow Conductor Database from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.

In this article, we will walk through the steps needed to back up a database from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013.

Step 1: On your SharePoint 2010 server, back up the Web Application and Workflow Conductor databases.

To back up your Workflow Conductor database, select the database -> Tasks -> Back-Up:

To back up the Web Application database where you created the workflow data, select the database -> Tasks -> Back-Up:

Step 2: On your SharePoint 2013 server, create a temp database (we used the filename “dbtemp” in this example) to restore a Web application database to the temp database.

To create a new temp database, click on Database -> select New Database -> input a name for the database -> click OK:

Next, you will need to restore the Web application database from SharePoint 2010 that you backed up in Step 1 to the temp database you just created.  To do this, select your temp database -> Tasks -> Restore -> Database: 

After you have selected Database, you will be prompted to Specify the source and location of backup sets to restore.  Check the button marked Device and click on the button to specify the location of the backup sets:

Browse to the Web application database and click OK:

After you have selected your Web application database, you will be prompted with a list of options.  Select Overwrite the existing database:

Step 3: Add the content temp database that you want to restore to the new Web application database on SharePoint 2013

Please be aware that before you add content from the temp database to the new Web application database, you should remove its associated content database:

To do this, you will need to click on the database name and check the Remove Conetent database option.

After this has been done, you will need to open the command line and run as Administrator permission:

For this step, use the command:  stsadm -o addcontentdb -url http://hieno15sql -databasename dbtemp

For the example above, I added the content database named “dbtemp” to the Web application named “hieno15sql”

Once completed, you can check to see if the dbtemp database was successfully added to the new Web application:

Step 4: Restore the Workflow Conductor database

In your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on Databases -> select New Database and browse to your Workflow Conductor database:

Step 5: Site Collection upgrade

After you have completed restoring your database, default, the user interface (UI) of the new Web application will still have the SharePoint 2010 UI template.  As a result, you will need to go to Site Collection Administration and upgrade to the 2013 SharePoint UI template.  To do this, select Site Collection Upgrade:

After you have successfully completed your upgrade, you will need to reset IIS, clear your cache, and log in to the Web application  Upon doing so, you will see that your site collection has the 2013 SharePoint UI template.

To handle the Workflow Conductor templates running on SharePoint 2013, you will need to go to Site Settings -> Site Collection Features.  From there, locate Upgrade 2010 Bamboo Workflow Conductor workflows to 2013 and click the Activate button to convert 2010 Workflow Conductor to 2013 Workflow Conductor:

As a note, you can find the upgrade link in the Site Collection Administration area:

You are now able to work with Workflow Conductor in the SharePoint 2013 environment!

Please note the following:

  • At step 5, after upgrading to the SharePoint 2013 UI, you will not have access to the new site with accounts added to the site from SharePoint 2010. You should use the command line below to fix this issue:
  • Open PowerShell
  • Add-PSSnapin “Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  • Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity “http://servername” -To Claims


  • Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell
  • Convert-SPWebApplication -Identity “http://servername” -To Claims
  • Bamboo Workflow Conductor has some data migration limitations. Click here to get more details.