How to Insert Videos into a Blog Post in SharePoint 2013

One of the great things about SharePoint is the ability to customize the nature of our communications with others. This includes the ability to add rich media to our SharePoint blog posts. For SharePoint 2013, Microsoft has provided a number of options for inserting video and media, including inserting media directly from your computer, from a SharePoint Asset Library, and from a Web page. In this article, we’ll walk through the different methods for adding video to a SharePoint Blog Post. Specifically, we’ll show you how to insert a video from your local computer, an embedded code, a SharePoint asset library, and a video address.

Insert Video from local computer to a Blog:

  • To insert a video into a new post, you will need to first create a new blog post, and then, in Edit mode, select the Insert tab from the Ribbon. Select Video and Audio and then From Computer from the drop-down list:
  • Select the video file which you wish to upload to SharePoint and share it on your blog. Click OK:
  • Click Save. You will now have a new blog post whose body consists of the video you selected:

Insert Video from an embed source to a Blog:

  • To insert a video into a new post, you will need to first create a new blog post, and then, in Edit mode, select the Insert tab from the Ribbon. Select Video and Audio and then Embed from the drop-down list:
  • Paste the embed code for the video file which you wish to upload to SharePoint and share in the blog post in the text box:
  • Click Insert:
  • You will now have a new blog post whose body consists of the video you selected:

Insert Video from a SharePoint Asset Library to a Blog:

  • To insert a video into a new post, you will need to first create a new blog post, and then, in Edit mode, select the Insert tab from the Ribbon. Select Video and Audio and then From SharePoint from the drop-down list:
  • Select the List where the image is stored from the menu tree on the left, and then select the video file you wish to insert from the menu choices on the right. Click on the video file to add the item to add your blog:

Insert Video from a video address to a Blog:

  • To insert a video into a new post, you will need to first create a new blog post, and then, in Edit mode, select the Insert tab from the Ribbon. Select Video and Audio and then From Address from the drop-down list:
  • Input the video address for the video file which you wish to upload to SharePoint and share in the blog post. Click OK:
  • You will now have a new blog post whose body consists of the video you selected.