How to Import Data from SQL Server to SharePoint 2013 Using List Bulk Import 3.0 for SharePoint 2013

List Bulk Import not only lets users migrate documents, pictures, and list data into SharePoint from a broad range of sources; it also allows users to store import job configuration information to a template file for common imports and scheduled imports. In this article, we will demonstrate how to import data from a SQL Server into a SharePoint Site.

Verify Source Data

List Bulk Import supports SQL Server 2005; SQL Server 2008; and SQL Server 2012 tables and views through ODBC connection. Additionally, List Bulk Import has been certified to support the following attribute types:

Char Vchar Ntext        Date        
Datetime Decimal   Real    Float




To prepare for your import, you will need to create an ODBC connection on your computer.  Here are the basic steps:

Go to Start then click Administrative Tools then click Data Sources (ODBC):

In the tab User DSN, click the Add button:

Select SQL Server then click Finish:

Enter a Name and Description to describe the ODBC connection.  In the Server field, enter the name (or IP Address) of your SQL Server. Click Next. Please note that if the Name Instance of your SQL Server is not default, you will need to include the proper instance name, for example [ServerName][InstanceName]:

Select the method which you want to use to authenticate to your SQL Server and click Next:

In the Change the default database to box, select the database where your source data resides. Leave the other settings as they appear default and click Next:

Leave the settings on this screen as they appear default and click Finish:

Next, select Test Data Source to confirm that your computer can successfully connect to your SQL Server:

If there is a successful connection, you will see the text TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY:

Creating an import job in List Bulk Import

After successfully connecting to your target site, select Create Import Job from the main landing screen. In Location of Source Data, select the SQL Server (ODBC Driver) option. A new drop-down menu will appear; locate the ODBC data source you created in the steps above and select Next:

In the Source Information tab, all Tables and Views found in the connected SQL Server database will be listed. Select the appropriate Table or View which you intend to import:

As with all Bamboo products, we invite you to download a 30-day free trial of List Bulk Import. As always, our product enhancements are driven listening to our loyal customers, and we welcome you feedback in the List Bulk Import forum.

For more how-tos, use cases, helpful hints, and best practices for List Bulk Import 3.0 for SharePoint 2013, check out our entire series: