How to Hide Callout Menus in SharePoint 2013

One of the new updates to SharePoint 2013’s UI is the introduction of Callout Menus. The Callout Menus provide relevant information on menu items in a simple, easy-to-read pop-up box. By default, the Callout Menus will be displayed in Task, Document, and Picture lists. You may not always want or need a Callout for your menu items, however, so this article will show you how to hide Callout menu items so that you can work with items in a list without potentially distracting pop-ups. Specifically, we will show you how to hide the Callout Menu in a Task List.

To begin, display a Callout Menu select an item, and then click Open menu on that item:

To hide a Callout Menu:

1. First, go to the list whose Callout Menu you wish to hide. In this example, I am using the ListDemoTask list.

2. Select the List tab from the Ribbon. Click on Modify View:

3. On the Edit View page, you will see a selection titled Style:

4. Click the plus symbol (+) to the left of Style:

5. When you click on Style, you will notice that the View Style is set as Default. You can select a different style option as desired. For this example, I have selected Newsletter, no lines as my style view. Once you have selected your option, click OK

6. When you return to your Task List, it will now appear similar to the image below:

7. Next, mouse over an item and click the Open menu. Your previously hidden Callout Menu will now be displayed

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