How to Design & Brand a Site Using SharePoint Designer 2013

SharePoint Designer 2013 is the tool of choice for the development of SharePoint Applications.?Using SharePoint Designer, you can rapidly create SharePoint solutions in response to business needs. Moreover, with SharePoint Designer 2013, you will see many changes that encompass a variety of new features, as well as a new user interface. In this article, I will show you how to create, design, and brand a site with SharePoint Designer 2013.


With sites created in SharePoint 2013, you can only use default master pages. Modifying the master page with SharePoint Designer 2013, you can make a variety of changes, including, but not limited to: text color; font-size; font style; and attach style sheet. Below, I will demonstrate how to create/modify master pages using SharePoint Designer 2013.


Open SharePoint Designer 2013 program, and select the Open Site menu:

Type the site name into the Open Site dialog box, and click the Open button.

Go to the Master Pages tab and select v4.master:

Under the Customization section, select Edit file:

Go to the right pane, CSS style section:

Right-click on body, and select the Modify Style menu:

The Modify Style dialog will show up.

In the Category box, select any attribute that you need to change/modify:

For example: selecting the Font attribute, I am able to change the font family, size, color, etc.

Click Apply then OK:

Moreover, you can attach a Style Sheet by clicking the Browse button:

In the LAYOUT tab, select Insert Layer icon:

You can then insert the layer you just created above:

Click the Save button.

Go to your SharePoint site and select the new custom master page to see the result.