How to Create Site Content Types for a Library Document List in SharePoint 2013

How to Create Site Content Types for a Library Document List in SharePoint 2013

With a Library Document List, when you create a new document, by default the Content-Type will always be labeled as “Document,” regardless of what format the uploaded file actually is (i.e., Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc.).

If you prefer to have the option of specifying the particular Content-Type for files you add (to be labeled accordingly), you can accomplish this with a couple of simple steps and configuration.

To begin, go to Site Settings. Under Web Designer Galleries, click on Site Content Types:

Click the Create button on the top left:

Fill out details for the fields as pictured below, including Name, Parent Content Type From, Parent Content-Type, and Existing Group:

After clicking the OK button, you will be taken to a menu as shown below.  Under the Settings headline, select Advanced Settings:

Click OK:

Go to the Library Settings icon on the Ribbon and select Advanced Settings:

Under Allow Management of Content Types?, select the Yes radio button:

Click on Add from existing site content types:

Select the Site Content Types name which was created above:

Click Save.

When you create a new Document, you now have the option of selecting and assigning a distinct Content-Type to your uploaded document.

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