How to Create Lists and Libraries Using SharePoint Designer 2013

SharePoint Designer 2013 is the tool of choice for the development of SharePoint Applications.​ Using SharePoint Designer, you can rapidly create SharePoint solutions in response to business needs. Moreover, with SharePoint Designer 2013, you will see many changes that encompass a variety of new features, as well as a new user interface. In this article, I will show you how to create lists and libraries directly from SharePoint Designer 2013.


When you create a site in SharePoint 2013, you can create many lists, columns, and actions and then save them as a site template for importing to another farm. SharePoint Designer 2013 allows you to do this as well, and can do so without the use of any complex command lines. Below are the steps for creating lists and libraries in SharePoint Designer 2013.


Open SharePoint Designer 2013 and select the Open Site menu:

Type the site name into the Open Site dialog box, and click the Open button.

Go to the Lists and Libraries tab, you can either select a list to modify or click on the SharePoint List icon in the Ribbon to create a new list:

Expand the SharePoint List icon. All the list types are shown with three parts:

  • General Lists
  • Surveys Lists
  • Tracking Lists

Select the list type you want to use:

In addition, you can create a Document List or External List clicking on the Document Library and External List icons in the Ribbon:

After selecting a list type that you want to use, the Create lists or document libraries dialog shows up.

In the Name textbox, type the list name you want to use.

In the Description textbox, type the description you want to show.

Click OK.

The list name you just created will be shown in the Lists pane:

Go to the list.  To modify the columns, click on the Edit Columns icon in the Ribbon:

Here, you can add any column you want to use. There are 12 different column types listed in the Add New Column drop-down:

You can directly edit Column Name, Type, Description, etc. in the form:

Click Save to complete:

Now that this list is shown on your site, go to the Data Source tab and select the REST Service icon, at which point the Data Source Properties dialog will show up.

In the Source tab, under Select Connection Info, enter the URL of your site.

Click OK.

The Connection Info is shown under RSS REST Service Scripts:

Go to your site to enjoy the results of your efforts.