How to Create Custom Views Using SharePoint Designer 2013

SharePoint Designer 2013 is the tool of choice for the development of SharePoint Applications.  ​Using SharePoint Designer, you can rapidly create SharePoint solutions in response to business needs. Moreover, with SharePoint Designer 2013, you will see many changes that encompass a variety of new features, as well as a new user interface. In this article, I will show you how to create custom views from SharePoint Designer 2013.


With lists created in SharePoint 2013, you can only use default views without any customization. Modifying the view through SharePoint Designer 2013, you can make a variety of changes, including but not limited to: text color; add a column; and embed an item limit. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to create/modify views through SharePoint Designer 2013. The advantages of this is that you need only perform some simple configurations and you don’t need any complex command lines.


Open SharePoint Designer 2013 and select the Open Site menu:

Type the site name into the Open Site dialog box, and click the Open button.

Go to the Lists and Libraries tab.

Select the list you want to modify:

Go to the Views section; click the New button to create a view for the list:

  • In Name textbox, type the view name:
  • Select the Make this the default view checkbox (if desired).
  • Click the OK button.

Go to the new view that you just created; you can filter data clicking on the Filter icon and select a column with filter conditions:

Sort/Group data selecting the column name and Sort Properties/Group properties:

Limit items expanding the Paging drop-down list:

You can also add or remove columns directly with the Display Fields dialog box:

Click the Save button.

Go to your site to check out the results.

Craig Humphrey
re: How to Create Custom Views Using SharePoint Designer 2013
on Thu, Feb 28 2013 6:13 PM

Hey Thy,

everything you’ve shown here you can do through the SharePoint UI, you don’t need Designer.  How about showing some things you can’t do in the SP UI, but can do in Designer…

