How to Create a Custom List Using Context Menu for Discussion Board Plus

One of the newest features in Discussion Board Plus is the ability to display tags or keywords. But how can you see all tags of all Discussion Board Plus lists on your site? In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create and customize a list to view tags using the Context Menu to link to the tags list using SharePoint Designer 2010.

First, create a Discussion Board Plus list on your site, then open it with SharePoint Designer 2010.

Click on the Lists and Libraries menu. In the Lists and Libraries tab, select Discussion Board Plus under the Lists category. Next, create new a custom menu in the Custom Action form located at the bottom right of the screen. Click on the new icon.

Enter the name and description for the custom menu. Select Navigate to URL radio button, then enter the URL of the Tags list. For example http://servername/Sitename/Lists/Tags/AllItems.aspx

Enter the URL to get an icon for the menu item and then click OK.Go back to your site to open the Discussion Board Plus list.

Expand the context menu, to see the View Tags menu item. When clicking on the View Tags, all tags in the Discussion

Board Plus lists will be displayed.