How to Connect to a VPN in Windows 7

Just because you’re not physically in your office space doesn’t mean that there isn’t work that needs to get done!  One of the biggest challenges to getting work done off-site is the need to access documents, etc.
that are stored on your office’s computer network. To combat this issue, your employer might have set up a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. The aim of a VPN is to keep you connected while off-site so that you can
share files, pictures, and programs as well as peripheral devices such as virtual machines, printers, and scanners. In this article, we’ll show you how to connect to a VPN in Windows 7.

Setting up your VPN Connection

To begin, open the Network and Sharing Center.

Next, click on Set up a new connection or network.

In Set Up a Connection or Network, click on the Connect to a Workplace hyperlink.

Click Next.

In Connect to a Workplace, click on the Use My Internet Connection (VPN) hyperlink.

Next, enter the Internet address for your VPN (you should be able to get this from your IT administrator) and select the Don’t connect now, just set it up so I can connect later checkbox. The Destination Name is the name that you would like to assign to the VPN network. Enter a name of your choice.

When finished, click Next.

Next, you will need to enter your username and password.  If desired, check the Remember this password checkbox (this will save you from having to enter in your password every time you log in).

Click Create

You have now successfully created a VPN connection.

Connecting to and Accessing Your VPN

To begin, click on the Network icon located at the bottom of the right side of your screen.

Under Dial-up and VPN, click Connect.

Enter your username and password into the dialog box. Click Connect.

Please note that if you selected the Remember this password checkbox in the steps above, you can skip entering your username and password (it will already be entered by default) and simply click Connect.

After the network has finished verifying your username and password, you will need to verify that you have successfully connected to your VPN. To do this, go back to the Network icon.  When you click it, your status should appear as Connected.