How to Configure Work Email for User Accounts in SharePoint 2013

When adding a new user account to the People and Groups setting, you won’t be able to see the Work Email, making it difficult to send messages to other users. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to configure the work email for users.

1. First, open the SharePoint Admin Center site.

2. Click on User Profiles on the left menu then click Manage User Properties in the People table.

3. All user properties are displayed.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Contact Information tab. Select Work Email, expand the context menu, then select Edit.

4. In the Edit Settings tab, select Allow users to edit values for this property radio button. Check all options in Display Settings.  Click Ok.

5. Return to the User Profile and select Manage User Profiles.

Enter the account name into the Find Profile textbox and click the Find button. Expand the context menu on the account name column and select Edit My Profile.

Enter the email into the Work Email textbox, and click Save and Close button.

Wait approximately 30 minutes for the updated information to post to the user’s account.

Go to Site collection and go to Site Settings. View the People and Groups settings. Select the group that contains the user account to see the updated work email.

Now, this email address is available for future use.

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