How to Configure List Rollup to Work with Option Application Servers on a Multi-WFE Farm – SP 2016

To configure List Rollup to work with option Application Servers, make sure one of the servers is Custom role:

  • SP2016-Jupiter (SQL machine)
  • SP2016-Saturn (host CA) (Application option)
  • SP2016-Uranus (Custom option)
  • SP2016-Nepturn (Front-end option)
  • Load balancing

1 – Stop “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application” on SP2016-Uranus

2 – Next, install List Rollup on SP2016-Saturn and install List Rollup Application Server Components on SP2016-Uranus

3 – Run IIS Reset command, restart SharePoint Timer Service and SharePoint Administration for 3 machines: SP2016-Saturn, SP2016-Uranus, and SP2016-Neptune

4 – SP2016-Saturn machine: Run SharePoint 2016 Management Shell with Administrator right then run this command Install-SPApplicationContent

5 – Go to the Application Management page, click the Manage Server link under Bamboo List Rollup Service Administration section

6 – Click the Install button

7 – Click the Manage link for the SP2016-URANUS server

8 – Click on Start to start Bamboo List Rollup Service, and wait until the status is changed from Starting to Started

9  – Click the link “Manage Service Applications”, click the button “New” and select “Bamboo List Rollup Service Application”

10 – The popup window “Create New Bamboo List Rollup Service Application” appears, configure for 3 sections:

  • *Service Name = “Bamboo LRU Sevice App”
  • *Select option “Create new application pool”:
  • Application pool name= “Bamboo LRU Service App Pool”
  • Application pool admin (security account) = “Bamboovn\spFarmAdmin”
  • *Select this option “Check this to include …. the Default Proxy Group”

Then, click OK

11 – Go to Central Admin site, go to Alert section, click on Alert Service Selection link and then select option “Run List Rollup on Application Server*” and click Save

12 – We want to check which LRU setting options are used, but no tool currently supports this. However, we have a work-around, checking with run “Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager” in virtual machine “SP2016-Uranus”

13 – Check “SharePoint Web Services”. Select any subsites and click “Explore” to find the file “Bamboo.ListRollup.Service.svc”

14 – Change the name of the .svc file to any other

15- Now, go to the site including LRU Schema, click “Preview Data”, and the error should be excluded. If the error occurs, the LRU Service Application is running on the schema. If it doesn’t, it’s not working with this service

16 – Change the .svc file back to “Bamboo.ListRollup.Service.svc” and the Schema works correctly again.