How to Configure Host-Named Site Collections and Apps Host in SharePoint 2013

You already know how to create an App Catalog and a host-named site collection in SharePoint 2013. How about combining them together? In this post, I’ll show you three steps to configure host-named site collections and an app host in SharePoint 2013.

In this example, I created a host-named site collection.

Step 1:

Create a new managed path for the host-named site collection.

Run the following command: New-SPManagedPath -RelativeURL <managedpath> -HostHeader -Explicit

In this example, type the command line: New-SPManagedPath -RelativeURL “apps” -HostHeader -Explicit and press Enter.

Step 2:

Create a site collection using the managed path with the App Catalog Site template.

Run the following command: New-SPSite <URL> -HostHeaderWebApplication ‘http://<servername>’ -Name <name> -OwnerAlias <account> -Language <number> -Template <template name>

In this example, type the following command line: New-SPSite “” -OwnerAlias “bamboovnspinstaller” -HostHeaderWebApplication ‘http://chauo15sql:13608’ -Name “Application Catalog” -Template “APPCATALOG#0” then press Enter.

Step 3: Configure Apps

Select Central Administration, click Apps, select App Management, then select Manage App Catalog.

Select Enter a URL for an existing app catalog site.

Type your app catalog address then click OK.


Questions on how to configure host-named site collections and an app host in SharePoint 2013? Contact us or check out our online documentation!