How to “Bulk” Copy Resources from the Enterprise Resource Pool to the Project Site Using the Copy Resource Web Part in PM Central

In this article, we will show you how to bulk copy resources from the ERP. Please note that the contents of this blog post apply to the following applications:

One of the great benefits of the latest release of PM Central is the ability to add multiple resources to a project at the same time. In previous versions, to add resources to your projects from the Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP), you had to add them one at a time, whereas, in the latest version (R4.0), you can save time by using the Copy Resource feature available in PM Central.

To accomplish this, simply follow the steps below to “bulk” copy resources from the ERP:

1. To begin, navigate to your Portfolio site. Once there, click on the Enterprise Resources Pool tab and create resources in the ERP list:

2. In the Project site, from the Central Actions icon, select PM Central Control Panel. Under Resource Center, select Copy Resource:

3. The Copy Resource feature will take you to the Copy Resource Web Part.

  • In the tool pane, by default, certain fields in the ERP will be mapped to the Contacts List’s fields. This is the information that will be copied to your project resource list:
  • From the Web Part’s interface, select the drop-down list and check the resources you want to add to your Project site:

4. Next, click Select Resource to be copied.  A new table will be displayed.

  • The table will show the users that you selected in the step above, from the drop-down list.
  • Click Copy Resource and the resources will be added to your Contacts list:

5. After you click Copy resource, you will see the message:  “Resource “<name of resource>” were copied successfully!”.

6. Resources will be copied to the Contacts list on the Project site.

  • If you want to check to make sure the resources were successfully copied to the Contacts list, go to Central Actions and select PM Central Control Panel. Under Resource Center, click View Resource:
  • Under the Project Team Info tab, you should now see the new resources with the information that was mapped in the tool pane, such as email address, phone number, job title, etc.: