How to Arrange the Order of Sites on the Top Link Bar in SharePoint 2013

While I love that I can have so many sites in SharePoint 2013, having to manage and keep them all organized can definitely become a daunting task. To help alleviate headaches, SharePoint allows you to quickly and easily arrange the order of the sites on the top link bar.  In this article, we’ll walk you through two different ways to sort the order of the sites:

Method #1:

After you log into SharePoint 2013, select the site whose order you intend to arrange on the Top Link Bar. Click the Edit Links button located on the right side of the Top Link Bar:

In this example, we will be changing the order of the DemoLink Site link and putting it in a new position. To do this, simply drag and drop the DemoLink Site link to the desired position on the Top Link Bar:

After you have dragged and dropped the link to its new position, click the Save button to update the order of your links and save the new positioning:

Your newly ordered links will now appear on your Site homepage as shown:

Method #2:

  • On your site, click on the Settings icon and choose Site Settings:
  • Under the Look and Feel section, select the Top link Bar link:
  • On the Top link bar page, select the Change Order link:
  • On the Change Order page, input the order for each link you would like to change. In this example, I selected DemoLink to reside in the first position. Click OK:

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