How to Add the WSP File to Solution Management in SharePoint 2016 Using PowerShell

Sometimes, we only need to add a WSP file onto Manage Farm Solutions on the Central Administration page, but we have to use the Setup.exe to install and add a lot of files. There is really no need for this. In this article, we’ll show you how to add the WSP file to Solution Management using PowerShell.

First of all, we need to save the Bamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp file in “C:WSP”:

Then, we open SharePoint PowerShell and run it as administrator. Once this is done, we run the following script:

Add-SPSolution < LiteralPath >

For example: Add-SPSolution “C:WSPBamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp”

After we run this command on PowerShell, we go to Central Admin->System Settings->Manage Form Solutions. We can see the Bamboo.CalendarPlus.wsp file added onto it:

And it’s done!

Coming soon: How to Deploy the WSP File to a Particular Web Application in SharePoint 2016 using PowerShell.