How do you Bamboo? Part 2: Bamboo Support Videos

When you are evaluating a Bamboo product and deciding whether it meets your needs, you may not think to look at available support videos on YouTube. Our support videos can often show a product in action that otherwise would be difficult to understand. Our videos are a quick resource if you want to see how a product feature works, especially while you try it in your environment or in our sandbox.

Our Support Channel was originally created to provide short, 5- to 10-minute how-to videos for troubleshooting issues. However, it is rapidly evolving to also include short videos that show you how to use some features of select products. For example, do you know how to change the style of your Simple Search Web Part? We have a support video for that. Do you know how to combine all your active tasks from several different task lists across your portal into one centralized, dynamic view? We have a video for that too! How about learning how to build a Workflow Conductor workflow that uses the Repeat For Each widget? Yes, we have a video for that and more videos showing other workflow examples as well.

If there’s a video that would help you better understand a product feature that isn’t currently available on our Channel, let us know! We gladly take requests to make sure the content you are looking for is available. We also appreciate any feedback or comments you might provide on videos you watch.