How Do You Bamboo? Part 1: Intro and SharePoint Webinars

Here at Bamboo, we like to think of ourselves as the company that offers the widest variety of products for SharePoint. Our offerings – Web Parts, applications, training and services, and full-scale enterprise solutions – are great for customers, as it allows us to cater an offering to any size business, in any industry, and in any phase of their SharePoint journey.

But when we try to bundle this message into a quick pitch, it’s sometimes tough to do. Mainly because each case is different based on who is evaluating our products. So Bamboo has dedicated lots of time and resources to allow prospective customers to evaluate our offerings in a multitude of ways.

Some want us to hold their hand every step of the way while others prefer a “hands-off” approach that allows them to make evaluations on their own time. Then there’s the group that opts to check in here and there to make sure they fully understand what they’re evaluating. Regardless of preference, we encourage all of these methods and will be here at whatever level is needed!

That being said, we are starting a mini-blogging series: “How Do You Bamboo?” While we recognize that we have created many ways to assess our products, we are also aware that our trial options don’t mean anything unless everyone knows about them. So over the next few months, we will be sharing with you all the free tools and resources that can be integral in your understanding of Bamboo and our products. We encourage everyone to check out this series. Without further ado, allow me to present our first.

Webinar Series

Thinking about the general progression of events in a product evaluation, the logical first step is to just sit back and gain a general overview of the product, and from there determine if it solves existing issues. What better way to understand the product than to have the experts explain it to you?

Bamboo’s team of Pre-Sales Support Engineers has carefully designed one-hour presentations of our most popular products, and hosts these weekly webinars to better educate our audience. Right now, we offer six webinars that are centered on our most popular components and core applications, such as Project Management Central, Workflow Conductor, and Collaboration. Although independent of one another, the webinars also show you how our products work together to create a solution tailored to each individual customer.

From project management to knowledge management and everything in between, we have a webinar to cover all the bases. Most webinars are held at least twice a month and are offered at times to accommodate any time zone.

The great part is that if you can’t catch a live webinar, we offer pre-recorded sessions that you can view at your leisure, or share with colleagues. However, we think the live option is the best, as it gives you an opportunity to ask questions on the spot. What’s better than that?

For more information and a schedule of available sessions, please check out our webinar page. I also know that our team is working hard to expand the number of webinars offered, so check in frequently to see what other products they are planning to showcase!