Hour of Code: Find Out How You Can Help Celebrate Computer Science Education Week

In celebration of Computer Science Education Week, we here at Bamboo are excited to help promote and participate in The Hour of Code.  As developers, software engineers, designers, and more, we understand the importance of computer science education and recognize how starting learning at a young age can greatly contribute to the success of individuals later in life. In addition, early computer science education has proven to help students nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity.

So what is the Hour of Code and how does it help contribute?  According to its mission statement, the Hour of Code is “a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. One-hour tutorials are available in over 30 languages.”  Last year alone, 28,728 events took place around the world.  This year, we are excited to add a plus one to this number and hope that others follow our lead.

As if the reasons above aren’t enough, why else should you consider participating in Hour of Code? Because it’s simple and easy! Even if you don’t know anything about coding, Hour of Code provides a wealth of resources including tutorials, guidelines, and instructions for hosting an event.  In addition, Hour of Code activities are self-guided and provide options for every age and experience level, from kindergarten and up, so that everyone can participate, regardless of age, geography, or schedule.

So what are you waiting for? To learn more about how you can participate, check out the Hour of Code’s website.  Likewise, we encourage you to visit Computer Science Education Week’s website to learn more about how you can promote computer science education and invest in the future of technology.

PS – Do you live outside the United States?  Never fear, for there are events available around the world.  Please visit the Events Page at Hour of Code to learn more about events happening across the globe.