Halloween Theme for SharePoint 2010 Available as a Free CodePlex Download

OK, this is just too cool not to share. Earlier today, SharePoint MVP Kanwal Khipple of SharePoint Buzz fame released a cool Halloween theme for SharePoint 2010.  To whet your appetite, here’s a ghastly glimpse at the topmost portion of a page with Kanwal’s “Buried Alive” theme applied:

To see additional elements of the Halloween Theme (and to access the link for the free download), point your browser at: http://spmasterpage.codeplex.com/releases/view/75745.

Alas, much as I was hoping to be able to report here that I’d successfully installed the theme myself, it turns out that (like most end users) I don’t have access to alter the Master Page of any of the SharePoint sites to which I have permissions … which, all things considered, is probably a Good Thing. Having said that, however, the installation instructions provided alongside the theme itself look devilishly simple to follow, clocking in as they do at just five fiendish steps.  So if you’ve got the requisite permissions to alter your portal’s Master Page (and won’t get in trouble for doing so), why not arrange a spooky surprise for your colleagues as they begin the workweek this coming Halloween Monday?

Have a happy Halloween, everybody!