Guest Blog by Michael Womack – Adventures in Bamboo PM Central: Addressing SharePoint Admin Concerns

Well, I had the meeting with our SharePoint Administrator, and we laid out and agreed upon the ground rules going forward. The list of questions I had composed ahead of time was much appreciated and certainly helped us accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Since I am testing PM Central in our production environment, that was the hottest topic of discussion. I was instructed to always err on the side of caution when performing any testing and, when in doubt about anything, ASK first before taking any action. I was informed that in many cases, it is easier to prevent a problem than it is to fix it, especially when working in production.

Other noteworthy guidelines:

  • Limit creation of new test project sites to two (more may impact overall performance for production).
  • Do not delete any Groups or Sites (both existing and/or newly created).
  • Do not grant Full Control permissions to anyone without prior management approval.
  • Document all trouble spots and issues for future reference – this will be a valuable reference in our Governance Plan.

Armed with these guidelines (and the blessing of our SharePoint Admin!), I am moving forward with site configuration and testing.  The next big event on our radar is the upgrade to the latest version of PM Central (version 1.7), which is currently scheduled to take place during the first half of March.

Til next time…

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