Guest Blog by Dux Raymond Sy: Operation ShareLove: Support NZ + Japan & Win!

On Feb 22, 2011, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck Christchurch, NZ. It was one of the worst calamities New Zealand has experienced.

On March 11, 2011, Japan suffered from one of worst natural calamities in modern history. A lot of people died, are missing and displaced. Humanitarian relief efforts are still struggling.

As a part of this global community we live in, and in the spirit of "Operation ShareLove: Philippines" and "Operation ShareLove: Haiti" – "Operation ShareLove: NZ + Japan" Fund Drive has been organized to support our brothers and sisters in NZ + Japan. Not only are you helping out those that are in need, you can benefit too!

Here are 3 ways you can participate:

1. Donate at least $25 USD AND you'll get a FREE ebook of your choice from O'Reilly Media or Microsoft Press.

Between now and April 15, 2011. Anyone who emails me a proof of their $25 USD or more donation to victims of the Christchurch and/or Japan earthquake to a charity of their choice will receive a FREE e-book voucher courtesy of O'Reilly Media or Microsoft Press. TV NZ has a great list of charities for the Christchurch earthquake victims and Huffington Post has a comprehensive list of charities for the Japanese earthquake.

All you have to do to claim your FREE ebook is email me a proof of your donation.

WAIT! There's More!

Once the fund drive ends on April 15, 2011, there will be a raffle to be broadcasted live online and you can win one of the following prizes * :

* More prizes to come. One raffle entry per person.

2. Donate your product or service as a prize

It would be great if you can donate your product or service to be given away just like the companies and individuals listed above. Contact if you are interested to do this.

3. Spread the word about Operation ShareLove: NZ + Japan

Please help spread the word about this fund drive by sending this link:

Operation ShareLove: Support NZ + Japan & Win!

via e-mail, blogs, Twitter hashtag #ShareLoveNZJP , Facebook, etc.

As the great Martin Luther King Jr. once said: "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

So what are you waiting for? Let's share some love to NZ + Japan and donate now! Feel free to leave a comment or any questions you might have.