Gearing Up for FOSE: Setup Day at Booth #1531

This morning Chris (Marketing Lead), Bob (GSA sales extraordinaire), and I loaded up the car and went down to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to set up our booth for FOSE 2013, which begins tomorrow, May 14. Bamboo HQ is located in Reston, VA, not too far from our Nation’s Capital, so we arrived at the Convention Center in no time. Once we found the correct door for unloading the car (a great feat in and of itself!), there were only a few thousand yards between us, our heavy boxes, and the booth. Registration was a breeze, and soon enough, we were arranging the furniture and setting out collateral:

Once we had things generally set up, Chris went off to find out about our scanner and other procedural elements related to the show. This left Bob and me to our own devices:

We looked around the exhibit hall for a few minutes, then met Chris back at the booth. With everything lined up and ready for the show, we headed for the exit.

If you are fortunate enough to be attending FOSE this year, come visit this beautiful booth ^ at #1531 and say “Hi” to Bob and the team.

If you don’t, we may just have to come to find you …