From the Montana Wilderness (with Bamboo) to the Streets of South America (with the Sharing the Point Tour)

Even in the exciting world of SharePoint, there comes a time when this marketer needs to get away for a little. Being an outdoor enthusiast, getting away for me means getting way away. However, regardless of my surroundings, I am always representing Bamboo.

(Yes, I realize that I’m burying the lede here, but ask your kind indulgence to share a couple of vacation shots.)

Here I am flying the Bamboo colors in the bustling technological hub that is Yellowstone National Park:

And again, in the wilderness around Beartooth Butte, Montana:

Figuring this was not enough end-of-summer travel, I am happy to announce that I will be doing my bit to further Bamboo’s official involvement in the Sharing the Point Tour. Taking place this go-round in Northern South America. In a few weeks, I will be off to meet up with the STP team in Venezuela to participate in the final three (of four) stops on the Tour. Core to the mission of Sharing the Point is to bring SharePoint to places that do not have regular access to the SharePoint conference circuit, and I’m honored to be able to participate inand help documentthat mission. Previous STP Tours have included Africa, (Southern) South America and Antarctica, and Asia. Though my own trip will be relatively brief (4-5 days total), I am very much looking forward to letting all you Nation readers in on the excitement as I blog along the way. While I may not offer the award-worthy prose of my colleagues, John and Julie, I can promise you accurate information and dazzling imagery!

In the meantime, allow me to remind you that all STP events are free to attend, and you need only click the links below to get registered and secure yourself a seat at your city’s event:

There are three sponsorship levels available for the Tour, and details on each package are available here.

Stay tuned to Bamboo Nation and to the official Sharing the Point Tour site for updates!