Friday Fun: 5 Things We’re Thankful for

The fourth Thursday of November marks Thanksgiving in the USA, where Bamboo is headquartered. This is a time for loved ones to gather and feast on festive food in each other’s company. Thanksgiving also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our lives and express our gratitude. Members of the Bamboo family already came together last week for a Thanksgiving Luncheon. We had light-hearted conversations and a few laughs but discussed our work and experiences at recent shows as well. Having stuffed ourselves with turkey and platters of desserts, we pondered the things for which we’re thankful as a company. As a way of wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, allow us to share with you the top 5 things we cherish as members of the Bamboo family:

1. Our customers
2015 was a success. But we could not have done it without you! You have supported us throughout the years and helped us improve with your constant feedback and interactions with us, both online and in-person at shows. We would like to thank you for your continued confidence that we can guide you through your SharePoint® journey.

2. Our partners
We are grateful for all of the companies who have joined us on our mission to enhance our users’ SharePoint experience. It’s always a pleasure to see you along our travels and to catch up over dinner. We look forward to our future together!

3. Our coworkers
We would be amiss not to acknowledge the people we work with on a daily basis. We truly are a big family and we appreciate every member’s contribution to the company for which we’re proud to work. We might have some healthy competition among the departments when it comes to the Halloween costume contest, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

4. Safe travels
We spent a lot of time on the road (or in the air) this year, traveling to shows and events. Although we are still tracking down a box from the European SharePoint Conference, we are immensely thankful that all our team members have always arrived at their destinations safely.

5. And finally…Pie
Whether it’s pumpkin, apple, pecan, or cherry, pie never disappoints. And we’re thankful for that too.

Bamboo Solutions wishes all our friends and customers a Happy Thanksgiving!