Extending SharePoint Lists Without InfoPath: Introducing a Series on Bamboo Custom Columns

As solutions using SharePoint continue to expand, the need to go beyond the basic columns provided SharePoint out-of-the-box expands as well.  SharePoint provides a powerful integration point between SharePoint List Forms and the form designer program, InfoPath. InfoPath is an extremely powerful tool itself, but at the same time, it can also be overwhelming. That is where Bamboo Custom Columns come in. Using Bamboo Custom Columns, users exponentially expand their column-related functionality options.  Click the header link below for each column to read its dedicated post in the series:

Create Multiple Lines of Rich Text
Easily build descriptions of items that include images, CSS styling and tables with Bamboo Rich Text, which also allows users to find and replace text and to check spelling.
Column-Level Security
Go beyond basic list-level security and add security to your individual columns with Bamboo Column Level Security. Protect confidential information such as employees’ salaries or quarterly revenue numbers.
Cross-Site Lookup
Give users the ability to look up lists not only in the same site but across sites. Bamboo Lookup Selector even allows users to provide a relationship between columns in a list, automatically filtering the lookup based on another column selection.

View Task Status and Progress at a Glance
Color-code task statuses or display a color-coded or percent-based progress bar to provide a visually pleasing glance at project tasks with Bamboo Visual Indicator.

Key Performance Indicators
At a glance, quickly view project statuses with Bamboo KPI Column. Use customizable status icons to visually indicate whether a project is on track, at risk, or under or over budget.
Assess the Value of Items and Documents
Allow your users to more effectively discover relevant information stored in SharePoint rating lists, libraries, and sites with Bamboo Rating.
Standardize Data Entry
With Bamboo Validator Column, conform all user entries to a predefined format, such as requiring users to enter phone numbers as (XXX) XXX-XXXX. You can even build your own validation format.
Unique Identification
Move past a simple sequential number created SharePoint to identify your items and documents. With Bamboo Custom Identifier, automatically formulate unique identifiers that can include text, dates and other column values.

For your convenience, Bamboo Solutions has bundled all 8 custom columns into a single package called List & Forms Toolkit, with the added bonus of single license key and Premium Annual Support included.