Essential SharePoint 2010 Training Resources

As an engineer here at Bamboo, I have been learning SharePoint 2010 over the past year or so and, during that time, I’ve come across many helpful websites and resources that I’ve been adding to my “Favorites” all over the place. Today, I decided that rather than keep the links to myself, I should share the best, most useful of these resources with Bamboo Nation.

In doing so, I hope to create one quick reference point (more like a cheat sheet) that we can all use to reference while learning about SharePoint 2010. I hope that you will find these sites to be as useful as I have.

Do you have some favorite SharePoint 2010 resources that you’d like to share? Send the links over to me, and I will happily add them to this list. Maybe one day I will convert this blog content to a wiki page so we can all maintain the list together. Enjoy!


About SharePoint 2010 


SharePoint 2010 Installation 


SharePoint Development 


SharePoint Administration 


SharePoint PowerShell 


Certification and Training





Marc D Anderson
re: Essential SharePoint 2010 Training Resources
on Sat, Jan 15 2011 8:24 AM


I’d like to suggest that you add the USPJ Academy to your list of training options. You can read plenty more about us at While I’m on the faculty and part of the business, I truly belive that we are doing fantastic things to help people learn how to do SharePoint in the real world. We offer certification while we are in the process of becoming fully accredited; our aim is to offer degress in SharePoint.

Let me know if I can answer any questions for you about what we’re up to.

Also, I found Andrew Connell’s instructions for building a SharePoint 2010 VM to be really great. You have to register to get at it, but it’s worth it.…/CriticalPathTraining_SharePoint2010_VirtualMachineSetup_v1.6.pdf

