Enhancing the Out-of-the-Box Calendar in SharePoint Online: A Business Advantage for Organizations

In today’s fast-paced business environment, effective collaboration and efficient task management are essential for organizational success. SharePoint Online, a powerful cloud-based collaboration platform, offers a wide range of features to streamline workflows and enhance productivity. One such feature is the out-of-the-box calendar, which provides a basic scheduling tool. However, organizations can greatly benefit from enhancing the calendar’s capabilities to meet their specific needs. Luckily, we offer a tool that does just that. Calendar Plus by Bamboo can enhance the out-of-the-box calendar in SharePoint Online and contribute to your organization’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Enhanced Customization Options

The out-of-the-box calendar in SharePoint Online offers a solid foundation for managing events and appointments. However, organizations often have unique requirements and workflows that go beyond the basic functionalities. By enhancing the calendar, organizations can customize it to align with their specific processes and branding. The ability to add custom fields, metadata, and color-coded categories allows for better organization and categorization of events. This customization empowers users to create personalized views and filters, making it easier to locate and manage relevant information.

Streamlined Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration lies at the heart of successful organizations, and an enhanced calendar in SharePoint Online can foster improved teamwork and communication. By integrating the calendar with other SharePoint features such as document libraries, task lists, and discussion boards, teams can centralize information, making it readily accessible and visible to all stakeholders. Real-time updates and notifications ensure that team members stay informed about changes or updates to events, leading to enhanced coordination and reduced miscommunication. Additionally, the ability to assign tasks and set reminders within the calendar facilitates better task management, accountability, and deadlines.

Efficient Resource Management

For organizations with limited resources, effective resource management is crucial. Enhancing the calendar in SharePoint Online can enable organizations to track and manage resources efficiently. By incorporating resource booking capabilities, organizations can reserve equipment, meeting rooms, or other assets directly from the calendar interface. This prevents scheduling conflicts, eliminates double bookings, and ensures optimal resource utilization. Moreover, resource availability and utilization reports can provide valuable insights, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their resource allocation strategies.

Integration with Productivity Tools

In today’s digital landscape, organizations rely on a multitude of productivity tools to streamline their workflows. By enhancing the out-of-the-box calendar in SharePoint Online, organizations can integrate it with other productivity tools such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, or third-party applications. This integration enables seamless data synchronization, ensuring that events and appointments created in one application are automatically reflected in others. As a result, employees can work within their preferred tools while maintaining a unified view of their schedules, tasks, and communications.

Enhanced Reporting and Analytics

Data-driven decision-making is a critical aspect of organizational success. Enhancing the calendar in SharePoint Online can provide organizations with valuable reporting and analytics capabilities. By capturing and analyzing event data, organizations can gain insights into attendance patterns, resource utilization, or meeting efficiency. This information can guide process improvements, identify bottlenecks, and drive operational efficiencies. Furthermore, the ability to generate custom reports and visualizations based on calendar data empowers organizations to monitor and measure their performance against key metrics and objectives.


Enhancing the out-of-the-box calendar in SharePoint Online can bring significant benefits to organizations. By tailoring the calendar’s functionalities to meet specific needs, organizations can improve collaboration, communication, and resource management. Integration with other productivity tools and the ability to generate insightful reports and analytics further enhance operational efficiency and decisions. Calendar Plus by Bamboo offers an easy way to enhance the out-of-the-box Calendar in SharePoint Online. To access a free trial of the product, please head on over to the product page here.