Customizing a Community Central Site by Changing the Default Logos

Out-of-the-box, Community Central comes with Bamboo logos in place as the header and footer. Since we recognize that our logo may not be a part of the desired look and feel of your company’s community site, you may replace that content to suit your needs. Following are step–step instructions to customize the default logos and text using SharePoint Designer 2010.

Changing the logo via CSS in SharePoint Designer 2010

1. Upload your desired image to the Skin/Images folder in SharePoint:

2. Open the site in SharePoint Designer. Navigate to the Skin/Style/Custom.css:


3. Edit the custom.css file.
4. For the top logo, under .bb-cmcentrallogo replace the SA15logo.png with the name of your new image. Click Save.



You will see the change as shown here:


5. For the bottom logo, under .bb-footerbamboologo, replace the Bamboologo.png with the name of your new image:


You will see the change as shown here:


Changing Text via XSL in SharePoint Designer

1.Open the site in SharePoint Designer. Navigate to the Skin/XSL. Edit Bamboo.Footer.xslt:

2.Replace the text with your preferred text.

You will see the change as shown here:



See Also: