Create an Association Between External Content Types for BDC Configuration Using SharePoint Designer 2013, Part 1 of 4: Generating a New Key for Using BDC On a Portal Site)

In SharePoint 2013, Business Data Connectivity (BDC) is effected through SharePoint Designer 2013, as opposed to the prior process through Central Administration. For those who have grown accustomed to the SharePoint 2007 model of BDC creation, this change may take some getting used to. This series of articles will walk you through the process of creating a model for the BDC service that returns information about contacts in a sample database.

Part 1: Generating a new key for using BDC on a portal site


Select the Secure Store Service hyperlink to generate the new key:


Enter the Pass Phrase (which was created when installing the machine) into the “Generate New Key” form:


 Step 2: Click on the New menu under “Manage Target Applications” to create a new key:

Input the required information into the form that appears.

Click Next to continue:


Step 3: Enter the user(s) who will have permission to use the BDC when logging onto the site:


Click OK to complete. Make sure that you see the new key on the page after creating your new key.

Step 4: Click on the context menu, and select Set Credentials to set permissions:


Enter the user name and password for the user(s) who should have permission, and click Save to finish:


Check out the rest of the series here: