Configuring Bamboo SP Analyzer

Now that we have successfully installed and activated the Bamboo SP Analyzer solution, it’s time to configure the account that Bamboo SP Analyzer will use. The reports generated the Web Part Auditor are produced a crawl performed on the Content databases. As a result, Bamboo SP Analyzer requires at least Read access to all SharePoint Content Databases.

To begin, open Central Administration and click on Configure Analyzer within the Bamboo SP Analyzer section.  In SharePoint 2007, this can be found under the Operations tab; for SharePoint 2010, it is conveniently located on the home page of the Central Administration Web Application.

Select the type of authentication you want to perform when connecting to the Content Databases.  You can choose from:

  • Impersonate Windows Account
  • Windows Authentication (Trusted Connection)
  • SQL Server Authentication


Impersonate Windows Account

This authentication mode is supported for both single server deployments and multi-server farms.

When you select this option, the user name and password textbox will appear for your input. All textboxes have validations to make sure the expected strings are entered. The user name will be formatted <domainusername>. The account expected is an Active Directory account granted permission to read the database content (with at least is “db_datareader” permission).


Windows Authentication (Trusted Connection)

If you are running a single server (also known as standalone) deployment, this option will work for you.

If this option is selected, the logged-in account running the audit tool must match the following criteria:

  • A member of Farm Admin Group in Central Administration Web application.
  • Permission to read in content database ( at least is “db_datareader” permission).


SQL Server Authentication 

This authentication mode is supported for both single server deployments and multi-server farms.

When you select this option, the SQL Login Account and SQL Login Account Password user textbox will appear for your input. Enter an account created in SQL Server with permission to read the database content (with at least is “db_datareader” permission).


Further details on Bamboo SP Analyzer are available in the Bamboo Team Blog: