Complete Server Product Refresh is in Process

We have been busy here at Bamboo and I’ll admit that, at times, I get impatient. The team has been holding to their development processes on products and the results are paying off. Let me back up here, for the past several months we have been in a super cycle of product development. It truly is a bubble of activity that is paying off with the products that have made it through this process. So, what is going on?

Well, as you may know, SharePointXperts purchased Bamboo Solutions in October of 2016. At that time, Bamboo had released the 2016 versions of their products which we inherited as part of the acquisition. This gave us time to update the operations of Bamboo, improve internal systems/processes, and begin the design and launch of the Office 365 products. That took us to mid-2018. At that point, SharePoint 2019 was coming out and we were ready to start our first attempt at the new version of the products. In the beginning, the smoke test for 2019 looked like not much was going to need updating and we could release the products quickly.

However, at the same time, we decided to bring back on-premises trials, which everyone loves, and with that, we needed a new, less cumbersome, license checker. So, we developed that technology and began integrating that with the new 2019 versions of the products. At the same time, we also applied the license checker to 2013 and 16 product versions. This forced us into our first true regression testing of the products on all versions of SharePoint. Since we had the code open to integrating license checker, we have been hard at work fixing lots of things that were not working right based on our testing. So, when you see that the 2019 version of our products are available, all three versions have updated code that has been refreshed and tested. Time to upgrade!

All of our products should be completed by the end of summer, and we are excited to see the improvement in quality and the number of self-service trials that are being ordered on the new online Shop!