Cloud Part® Subscriptions: How Bamboo Solutions is changing the paradigm for consuming SharePoint solutions

I must admit before popular video streaming services came along, I was never much of a movie buff. In the absence of a movie about “SharePoint Man” – the next big action superhero fighting against inefficiency in online collaborative platforms — I never really bothered with movies. I can’t count the number of times my friends would enthusiastically spout out an iconic line from a popular movie only to have me reply with a blank stare and eyes wider than the training gap for the latest SharePoint release. “Here’s looking at you, kid,” they would say. “Who’s looking at me? And it’s been a while since anyone called me a kid.” I’d reply.

You see, the concept of paying my hard-earned money to either go see a movie at the theater or even rent one makes no sense to me. What if I really liked it and I want to watch it again at a future date? As a product, it seems like movies can only be enjoyed once unless I shell out way more moolah to own them. And even then, that’s only one movie. What about its sequels or spin-offs?

Subscription-based streaming services like Netflix or Amazon Video have changed all this, haven’t they? The idea that I can get unlimited access to a library of quality movies and TV shows seems like a no-brainer to me! No one monitoring how many movies/shows I watch or how many times watch them. More importantly, no need to pay extra fees when new, quality content is released.

So why don’t we consume our software this way? Especially when it comes to SharePoint solutions, the concept of a-la-carte shopping seems constrictive and costly. After all, a SharePoint solution is a more dynamic, constantly-evolving consumable product than a movie will ever be. A model where I can log in to a subscription that offers me unlimited access to a catalog of SharePoint solutions and allows me to install and use them as much as I need? That seems like the way to go.

Bamboo Solutions has developed a model that does exactly this: Bamboo Cloud Parts® subscriptions. As a consumer, I don’t have to worry about which specific product I need and commit to buying that product. Instead, I have access to all of Bamboo’s cloud-based Web Parts, which are called Cloud Parts®. Because Bamboo follows an Agile development process, the real value of my subscription comes from constant improvements to the existing products, with automatic access to new products as they are released. Furthermore, improvements to existing products and the new products that are released are a result of direct input from the SharePoint user community and what we want.

Imagine if movie streaming services give you a voice to determine which types of movies were made and what happens in the plot! A Bamboo Cloud Part® subscription is the SharePoint solution version of that! You get access to a quality library of Cloud Parts®, and all their “sequels” (constant updates and improvements), and you get input on how to improve them or what new products you’d like to see through Bamboo’s user community. That too seems like a no-brainer to me

To learn more about Bamboo Cloud Part® subscriptions, visit