Breaking News: Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 Announced!

Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 Save the DateAll eyes may be on TechEd North America in New Orleans (which is where I am as I type and, current post notwithstanding, is my beat this week) at the moment, but Microsoft has just released a humdinger of an announcement for those of us in the SharePoint world: The Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2011 will take place October 3-6, 2011 in Anaheim, CA.

Not much more information is available at present, and registration won't open until the spring of 2011, but you can sign up now to be kept apprised of all Conference-related announcements at

If you were among the 8,000+ attendees of the Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2009 in Las Vegas last fall, you already know that this will be a can't-miss event, so mark your calendar now… SharePoint is going to Disneyland!