Bamboo’s Product of the Month for July has Arrived: Data Viewer

All this July, we’re by your side and ready to help your organization quickly analyze and edit data in a simple grid view with conditional formatting, calculations, & more by highlighting our Product of the Month – Data-Viewer Web Part.

Easily view and manipulate a variety of data sources using Bamboo’s July Product of the Month. With Data-Viewer Web Part, you can improve your organization’s data visibility and usage directly from SharePoint, without the need for custom code. When you invest in Data-Viewer, you’ll benefit from its powerful capabilities, including:

  • Connect to Multiple Data Sources – Connect to a variety of data sources, including SharePoint lists and libraries, Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS), Bamboo List Rollup schemas, and more.
  • Edit Data Easily Edit SharePoint list data, SQL data, or Bamboo List Rollup data directly from the Web Part, without the need to go to the original data source.
  • Apply Conditional Formatting – Add conditional formatting to displayed data based on a number of customizable rules. Formatting can be applied to text, to the cell itself, or to the entire item row, both for “parent” and “nested” data.
  • Group, Filter, and Sort Data – Allow users to dynamically group, sort, and filter data based on a number of conditions, including “greater than”, “contains”, and “starts with”. Export your created view to Microsoft Excel.
  • Customize Look & Feel – Select from a variety of pre-defined skins, supply custom CSS, or inherit site styles/fonts to better integrate Data-Viewer into your site.

When you invest in Bamboo products such as Data-Viewer, you get instant access to user forums, product documentation online, and more.