Bamboo Welcomes Hotfixes to Our Family of Product Releases

In response to customer requests, Bamboo has reassessed its policy of releasing frequent patch updates to the products in our portfolio and has now embraced a hotfix approach.

As a result of this change in policy, rather than delivering frequent patch updates directly to the storefront, hotfixes will now be delivered to an offline folder and made available to customers on a case–case basis, as needed, in response to support requests.  From a deployment standpoint, there will be no difference between a patch release and a hotfix, as the same packaging and deployment process will occur, but with the hotfix approach, customers will no longer be expected to have installed the latest release when creating a support ticket.  As well, each time a new hotfix is released, it will contain all previous hotfixes for the current version of the product in question.

Patch updates will continue to be issued to the storefront, but at a much-reduced rate of not more than one per product per quarter, and patch releases will contain all current hotfixes.