What’s the Future of SharePoint? | Bamboo Solutions

Bamboo Wants to Hear From You: What’s the Future of SharePoint?

Just like the first group of cavemen often worried about whether or not they would have the right tools to complete a successful hunt, we too in the modern age have to worry about whether or not our technology will help us accomplish our goals. Clearly, uncertainty exists and has existed in every facet of human life across time and space; and we try our hardest to limit it no matter how little effect our efforts may have. Recently, with the introduction of Microsoft SharePoint Online, the issue of uncertainty has become a growing point of concern for the SharePoint community.

For many Microsoft SharePoint users and third-party app providers, the arrival of SharePoint Online has generated a number of yet-to-be-answered questions about the future of SharePoint. More and more, I ask myself: What will the future of SharePoint be? Will organizations inevitably move SharePoint functions online? Will organizations settle on some sort of hybrid version where they use both on-premises and online versions?  Will they add new features to SharePoint web parts? Maybe they will add new features to SharePoint sites? Will they create new SharePoint mobile app updates? Will the SharePoint framework add more tools? Is SharePoint Online just a fad, or is it a viable option for my organization?

Based on my conversations with SharePoint users, I realize that I’m not the only one with unanswered questions.

In an effort to combat uncertainty and increase user confidence, Bamboo wants to find out how SharePoint users plan on dealing with the presence of SharePoint Online, as well as how they see their future with this product. We’ve created an exploratory survey and encouraged SharePoint users like ourselves to provide feedback. So what do you think the future holds for SharePoint and new features? Let us know what YOU think.