Bamboo Solutions Presents Second Annual SharePoint Leadership Forum

Three-city tour to include Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Georgia, and Dusseldorf, Germany

Bamboo Solutions, the leading provider of solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, is pleased to announce the return of the SharePoint Leadership Forum. First convened as a single event in Washington, D.C. in October 2012, SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 will expand into a three-city tour. Featuring a world-renowned speaker roster of SharePoint experts, the half-day events are free to attend and will take place on November 6 in Washington, D.C., November 7 in Atlanta, Georgia, and November 12 in Dusseldorf, Germany.

SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 attendees will gain knowledge from some of the most respected SharePoint thought leaders and industry experts on a variety of subjects including social collaboration, mobility, cloud computing, and more. These informative sessions will center on the common theme of how to attain sustainable SharePoint adoption, which best positions organizations to achieve big wins and realize quantifiable business value.

The esteemed group of SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 speakers includes keynote speakers and Microsoft SharePoint MVP Dux Raymond Sy, Managing Partner, Innovative-e, Inc. With a focus on empowering organizations on how to leverage the business benefits of SharePoint and drive sustainable enterprise social adoption, Dux has successfully facilitated the implementation of SharePoint for commercial, educational, and government enterprises.

A veritable who’s who of SharePoint experts, rounding out the SharePoint Leadership Forum 2013 speaker list is:

  • Rob LaMear, CEO & Founder, CEO Insider: Barriers to the Cloud;
  • Shawn Beeson, Solutions Engineer, NewsGator Technologies – Enterprise Social: A Human-centric Approach;
  • Joe Herres, Executive Vice President of Product and co-Founder, H3 Solutions – Mobility Showdown: App vs. Web and Other Controversial Topics;
  • Mark Miller, Senior Storyteller, NothingButSharePoint, EndUserSharePoint, NothingButBranding – Breaking Bad SharePoint; and
  • Eric Harlan, PFE, Microsoft and co-Founder of – Confessions of a PFE: Where There Was No Planning There Was No Adoption.

The inaugural SharePoint Leadership Forum in 2012 attested that collaboration is the key to business success and that SharePoint represents the future of online collaboration. Accordingly, Anders Johnsson, Bamboo Solutions‘ Chairman of the Board thought it appropriate to focus this year’s events on what must occur before collaboration on SharePoint can even begin. “Achieving sustainable adoption is the key to any successful adoption plan,” he believes. “One of the keys to successfully implementing SharePoint and attaining sustainable adoption within an organization is to start utilizing it as a comprehensive tool for communication, collaboration, and the sharing of business-critical information.”

Those interested in attending the SharePoint Leadership Forum may register online now for the free event in Washington, D.C., and/or Atlanta, Georgia. The D.C. venue is Hamilton Live, and the Atlanta event will be held at the Georgia Aquarium.